We are keeping this blog, not only to update friends and family about our family, but to document our memories of the girls. So I apologize if some if this information is boring. I know that if I don't document it, I won't remember! Here are a few highlights:
As of 4/2/2010 you weighed 6 lbs, 12.2 oz
You are wearing all newborn clothes
You are eating about 100mL of breastmilk (by bottle or breast) every 3.5 to 4 hours
At night, you sleep in the co-sleeper in our room, you prefer to be swaddled. you sleep on the Boppy, and are sleeping about 4 hours
**Mom and dad are trying to break you of sleeping on the Boppy, but you really don't like to sleep flat on your back - mom is paranoid that sleeping on the Boppy isn't safe**
We started trying to have you take your daytime naps in your crib. You did great and slept for about an hour!
You continue to be very "easy going" (like your daddy).
Rarely, do we hear you cry - only if you are VERY hungry.
You only really take a binky when you are hungry. Otherwise, you have no interest in it.
Things you love - stretching out on the floor, swinging in your swing, staring at the lights, being snuggled, and bathtime!
Things you're not so fond of - being strapped into your carseat, being given your binky when you don't want it, and the bouncy seat.
As of 4/2/2010 you weighed 7 lbs, 9 oz
You are wearing all newborn clothes
You are eating about 100mL of breastmilk (by bottle or breast) every 3.5 to 4 hours
At night, you sleep in the co-sleeper in our room, you prefer to be swaddled, you sleep on the Boppy, and are sleeping about 4 hours
**Mom and dad are trying to break you of sleeping on the Boppy, but you really don't like to sleep flat on your back - mom is paranoid that sleeping on the Boppy isn't safe**
We started trying to have you take your daytime naps in your crib. You didn't really like it and spent most of the time crying - we're going to keep working on it though!
I think you and mommy may have VERY similar personalities! You are slightly impatient, a little dramatic, but love to be snuggled and loved.
You have been having some tummy issues. It seems to mommy and daddy that every time you eat, you are in pain afterwards and spend quite a bit of time crying and stiffening your body. We started giving you Mylicon drops before each feeding and that seems to have helped a little. We will ask the pediatrician about it at our next appointment (4/8/2010).
You are a binky girl. Often times, giving you your binky will soothe and calm you.
Things you love - stretching out on the floor (for a short time), being snuggled, walking around while being held, swinging in your swing, and sitting in your bouncy seat (but only with the vibration on).
Things you're not so fond of - bathtime, changing your diaper or clothes, being strapped into your carseat, and being put down when you want to be held.
Update on Mommy and Daddy
Steve went back to work two weeks after the girls were born, boy was that an adjustment for mom. I really loved having him around to help every day - he is a great dad and helps with feedings, changing diapers, and dressing the girls (he's not too sure about bathtime yet)!
Right now Steve is working a very difficult schedule: one day shift, two swing shifts, and two night shifts. Needless to say it is an exhausting schedule for someone without kids, not to mention someone with newborn twins! On the days that he works night shift, the girls and I have been staying the night at my mom and dad's house. My mom is a gem, she sleeps with me and helps me with the nighttime feedings! Side note - we tried one night using the baby monitors (one in the guest room, where the cribs are, and the other in my parents room). Needless to say that only lasted one night because grandpa didn't get any sleep! Grandma now sleeps with me in the guest room - after two nights of helping with the girls, grandma is definitely exhausted! I must say, we are getting LOTS of help from both sets of grandparents, Auntie Erica, and Uncle Bob. Without our family, I'm not sure what we would do. We always have family that is willing to come over and watch the girls so we can sleep, run errands, or just take a bath! We truly feel blessed to have such a wonderful, supportive family - thank you mom, dad, Dave, Norene, Bob, and Erica - we could not do this without you guys!!
Lastly, a quick update on me. I still have Bell's Palsy, hence why we still have no family pictures. It's a little depressing to think its been four weeks and there hasn't been a significant change for the better. I'm trying to stay positive though and hope that in time it will get better. My speech articulation is still impacted, I can't smile, and I can't blink. I must say, it is a little frustrating and makes me somewhat self-conscious, but again, I'm trying to stay positive. With all the family support (time to sleep). I have managed to get and stay healthy, which is a HUGE relief!! Being sick and raising twins is NO FUN!
Sorry for the long post! For those of you that read all of that, I'll leave you with a few photos of the girls, taken by grandma Laurie on their 1 month "birthday." (In all the photos, Morgan is on the left and Sydney is on the right)
Ok, where to start!
ReplyDeleteI love having a blog for the same reasons-such a good way to remember everything. Cause let's face it a mama of twins does not have time to fill out a baby book the first year.
I can't believe how big your girls are getting at one month...that is SOOO good, Lexie!!!!
Ok, I LOVE ALLL of these pictures! ALL OF THEM!!
I am so glad you have family to help you, I know what a blessing it is!
Ok, sorry for the long post. Girls are super super cute as always!
Gosh, I hope you get better soon! Those pictures... OMG! They are just the cutest little bundles of love!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you're going to keep blogging! (I'm sure you know that you can have it printed to a hard back book. I'm about to have our 1st year printed!)
Oh my gosh Lexie, they are so cute! I just love them! Thanks for the update, I love the details.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if it is the angle of my camera, or what...but don't their feet look HUGE in the photo I took of them with their pink tennis shoes? (PS It's OK for Grandma to say this because she knows for sure their feet are NOT HUGE. They are perfectly sized!)